101 Harley Davidson Performance Projects

101 Harley Davidson Performance Projects

224 Seiten, 160 Abbildungen


Im Shop seit 20.03.2003

Best.Nr. BM0146

101 Harley Davidson Performance Projects
Big Twins and Sportsters
224 Seiten, 160 Abbildungen
Original in englischer Sprache

Sonderangebot! bisheriger Preis 35,90 EUR

One hundred and one carefully selected projects are featured in this all-colour "how-to" written and designed for the Harley-Davidson Evolution owner with a few hours to burn. The projects described and illustrated range in complexity from simple 15-minute jobs like lubing cables and changing aircleaners to more involved tasks like changing cams and swapping heads. The colour photography guides the owner through each project step by step, making this unprecedented book a great resource for everyone from the casual enthusiast to the hardcore ride

19.90 EUR
inkl. MwSt. und zzgl. Versandkosten

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Buch ,101 Harley Davidson Performance Projects ,Motorrad B�cher,BM0146

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